Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
“From beginning, all things were created through Him and for Him, He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.”
– Colossians 1 vs 16-17
Jesus Christ, is the bread that came down from Heaven to give life to the world. Christmas is a day appointed by man to celebrate the physical birth of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ and is not a day appointed by God. As Christians, the only reason we join the world in celebrating Christmas, is so that we may win some of the lost souls to Christ. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9 vs 19-23 that, though he was free and belonged to no one, he made himself a slave to everyone, in order to win as many souls to Christ as possible. He became all things to all people so that by all possible means he might save some, all for the sake of the gospel, that he may share in its blessings.
“To the true believers, Christmas is a time of introspection, a time of reflection, a time to examine and test ourselves to see whether we are in the faith. It is not a time of physical rest and self indulgence to gratify the evil desires of the flesh as some would seek to do, but a time to look around and see who is in need and give everything that the Lord has blessed you with to transform lives.”
– John Chibwe
Love is not self seeking, love looks around to meet the needs of others. If we abide in Christ, we must live exactly as He did. When we abide in Him and consistently walk in the way of love, we stay current by constantly celebrating Jesus Christ in thought, word and action.
“ As Christians we do not celebrate the physical birth of Jesus Christ but rather the life of Him who was, who is and who will forever be, in thought, word and deed, through love and forgiveness.”
– John Chibwe
We must therefore live a life worthy of The Lord by imitating Christ. Christmas is therefore a time to celebrate love; joy; peace; forgiveness; long-suffering; faithfulness; kindness; gentleness, humility and hope to the world – it is a time of checking our LOVE life for to us, LOVE was born on Christmas.
As a Christian let your love abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ. We who are children of God, must let our lights shine so that all men may see our good works and give glory to our Heavenly Father. This Christmas marks a fresh beginning for all members of the DiVineyard Church Of His Presence (DCOHP). At The DiVineyard Church Of His Presence we are in the Vineyard where our Heavenly Father is The Vine Dresser and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is The True Vine, and we are the branches. By abiding in The True Vine we are fruitful, and in Him we bear much fruit, through love and forgiveness.
Except we are one in character with Him, by being doers of the word, we cannot claim to abide in Him and our Christmas celebration would be a mere physical rest and gratification of the passions and evil desires of the flesh. Only those who have crossed from death to life, who walk in the way of love can celebrate the life of Christ by their works of obedience and confessions of the word of truth.
Merry Christmas and happy fresh beginnings in 2016!
2016 IS THE YEAR OF DISTINCTION. For us at The DCOHP, 2016 is a year of excellence, where God Almighty has set us apart to excel and shine like stars as children of God without fault, pure and blameless, in a warped and crooked world, firmly holding on to the Word of life. In The DCOHP we will be the head and not the tail; lenders and not borrowers, we will be fruitful in all areas of our lives and there shall be no barrenness in all of the DCOHP members’ lives, who truly walk in the way of love and forgiveness – Philippians 2 vs 12-16 and Deuteronomy 28 vs 1-14.